Maximize the Growth and Yield of your Quality Flowers
0 - 0.9 - 0.7
House & Garden’s Top Shooter provides plants with the high-quality potassium and phosphate required for an exceptional finish to the flowering cycle. Top Shooter provides crucial nutrient pre-cursors for a plant’s biological processes, including ATP-synthesis, giving your plants the power to build flower growth right when they need it. It triggers your plants into initiating a second cycle of new flower development.
The nutrients provided in Top Shooter boost the production of leaf and flower growth, vigor and yield. They also provide the nutritional building blocks for other biological processes in a plant, such as the growth of the phospholipid bi-layer, which is critical to oil synthesis. Top Shooter is essential for a top-shelf finish, providing plants with improved growth, vigor and yields. Clean, strong, and stable, Top Shooter works perfectly in all growing media.
Top Shooter is the liquid version of Shooting Powder for growers that prefer liquids to powders.
Ingredients: phosphoric acid, potassium oxide.
Usage: Use with your base nutrients adjusted to a max 1.2 EC. Add 2.8ml per gallon to your feed water during week 6 of flower (last three weeks). Add 5.7ml per gallon during the final two weeks of flowering. *Refer to House and Garden Feed Charts for exact usage rates.