Ferti-Lome Fungicide 5 | For Organic Gardening

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Size: Fungicide 5 - RTS - Quart
Sale price$34.99 Regular price$39.99


OMRI Listed for Organic Use

Ferti-lome Fungicide 5 is a broad-spectrum preventative biofungicide/bactericide for control or suppression of fungal and bacterial plant diseases affecting foliage, roots and tubers. Can be applied as a spray or root drench, which colonizes plant root hairs,
preventing establishment of disease-causing fungi and bacteria.

Provides fungal and bacterial plant protection on houseplants, indoor and/or outdoor potted plants, ornamental plants, tropical plants, bedding plants, roses, vegetables, fruits, nuts, flowers, foliage, trees, and shrubs in and around homes, residential landscapes, home gardens, and residential greenhouses.

DISEASES CONTROLLED: Anthracnose, (Bacterial leaf blights, spots, and specks), Black mold, brown spot, black crown rot, Black spot of roses, Gray mold, Botrytis blight, fruit rot, Leaf spots, Powdery mildews. *Refer to product label for exact list.

DISEASES SUPPRESSED: Downy mildew, Early blight, Late blight, Fire blight. Disease suppression only for Pin rot and Scab. *Refer to product label for exact list.

INGREDIENTS: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D747

USAGE: May be used up to the day of harvest. Spray leaves and stems until moist but not dripping, spray soil until completely wet. For best results, treat plants before disease development or at the first visible signs of infection. Repeat at weekly intervals or as needed. Allow spray to dry at least 4 hours before watering. *Refer to product label for exact application rates.

Available Sizes:

  • Fungicide 5 - Ready to Use / RTU - Quart.
  • Fungicide 5 - Ready to Spray Garden Hose Connection / RTS - Quart.
    • Covers 5,000 sq ft.

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